Recognising Signs of Burnout

In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environment, burnout has unfortunately become a more common occurrence. As an employer, it is crucial to recognise the signs of burnout in your workforce and take proactive measures to support your employees’ well-being. In this blog post we’ll discuss signs of burnout among your colleagues, understand its impact on productivity and engagement, and provide actionable strategies to create a supportive workplace culture.

Burnout is a state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion resulting from prolonged chronic stress. It can lead to reduced productivity, increased absenteeism, and a decline in employee morale both in the individual and the team around them.

Common signs of burnout include decreased work performance, frequent absenteeism, increased irritability or negativity, withdrawal from social interactions, and sometimes physical symptoms too. 

Being aware of and attentive to changes in a person’s behaviour is key, it’s often the case that people don’t recognise their own symptoms.

What can we do to avoid burnout in the workplace?

    • Promote the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible work arrangements, supporting time off, and discouraging excessive overtime.
    • Create an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their work-related challenges and stressors. Regular check-ins, team meetings, and anonymous feedback channels can facilitate open communication.
    • Provide resources for stress management: Offer resources such as stress management workshops, mindfulness training, or access to mental health professionals. These resources can help employees develop coping mechanisms and resilience.
    • Acknowledge employees’ hard work and accomplishments. Regular recognition and rewards, both formal and informal, can boost employee morale and motivation.
    • Promote a positive work environment: Encourage teamwork, collaboration, and mutual support among employees. Encourage breaks and recreational activities to foster a positive and inclusive workplace culture.
    • Lead by example, modelling healthy work habits and self-care practices to inspire your employees. Encourage taking breaks, utilising annual leave, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
    • Ensure that workloads are reasonable and manageable. Monitor employees’ work hours and adjust when necessary to prevent excessive stress.

    Assess your Employee Wellbeing Programme

      • Carry out regular “wellbeing audits” looking at areas for improvement in employee wellbeing before signs of burnout appear.
      • Providing access to EAPs that offer, stress management, mental health support, and resources for personal well-being such as working with a health coach.
      • Educate employees on the importance of self-care and well-being. Provide resources and support on stress management techniques, movement and relaxation, healthy eating, and maintaining healthy sleep patterns.
      • Encourage use of annual leave, switching off from work and taking time to relax, restore and recharge.

      A corporate health coach can help prevent employee burnout by providing personalised 1:1 support, teaching stress management techniques, promoting lifestyle adjustments & self-care. They can also deliver training and workshops educating employees about burnout, whole-person health, and creating a healthier workplace culture.

      Ready to implement better health into your business? Get in touch at

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