
Packages totally tailored to your needs, supporting you on your journey to becoming your best you


£ 1,200 Investment
12 Week Programme
  • 90 minute consultation
  • 12 face to face sessions
  • Personalised coaching plan
  • Nutritious, seasonal recipes
  • Exercise & stress management advice
  • Private social media group
  • On hand daily via messages
  • Exclusive discounts with our partners
  • Support with shopping and menu choices
  • Meetings at your choice of venue
  • Coordinating with your trainer/instructor
  • Grocery shoppig and "pantry cleanse"
  • Cooking session in your home


£ 500 Investment
8 Week Programme
  • 90 minute consultation
  • 4 face to face sessions
  • Personalised coaching plan
  • Nutritious, seasonal recipes
  • Exercise and stress management advice
  • Private social media group
  • On hand via email
  • Exclusive dicsounts with our partners
  • Support with shopping and menu choices


£ 180 Investment
4 Week Programme
  • 90 minute consultation
  • 1 face to face session
  • Personalised coaching plan
  • Nutritious, seasonal recipes
  • Exercise and stress management advice
  • Private social media group
  • On hand via email
  • Exclusive dicsounts with our partners

Get in touch to start your best you journey

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